
The constant expansion of your understanding, acceptance, and trust of self as developed by experience and experimentation. Anything that stands in the way of that expanded understanding is non-spiritual.  Anything that fosters that understanding is spiritual.

Have you ever had the sense that something must be wrong with you as you can’t seem to fit no matter the circumstances or situation? There is no one like you in all of creation. Being unique and different is difficult especially in a society which demands conformity if only within the group that you associate. The time we are in will demand the courage and strength to live in a way that is responsive to you and supports your own inner integrity. 

The above definition of spirituality is the underlying foundation for everything I do.  My job then is to help you get started on your own unique journey and to offer support along the way as you blossom into the person you’ve known has always existed within but have been afraid to acknowledge and own.